Modhul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/templates

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Dhokumèntasi modhul iki bisa digawé ing Modhul:category tree/poscatboiler/data/templates/doc

local labels = {}

labels["templates"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[Wiktionary:Templates|templates]], containing reusable wiki code that help with creating and managing entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates",
	sortparentumbrella = " ",
	parents = {{template = "langcatboiler"}},

labels["modules"] = {
	description = "{{{langname}}} [[Wiktionary:Modules|modules]], containing reusable Lua scripts that help with creating and managing entries.",
	fundamental = "Modules",
	sortparentumbrella = " ",
	parents = {{template = "langcatboiler"}},

labels["auto-table templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that contain {{{langname}}} tables generated automatically.",
	additional = "They use the <code>table:</code> prefix. For example, see [[Template:table:chess pieces/en]].",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["category boilerplate templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate descriptions and categorization for category pages.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["definition templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the [[Wiktionary:Glossary#definition line|definition line]] of {{{langname}}} entries to help in creating definitions.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["entry templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to help in the creation of {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["etymology templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used in the etymology section of {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["experimental templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to test possible content for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["form-of templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used on the definition line of entries for inflected forms of words in {{{langname}}}, to link back to the main form.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["headword-line templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show lines that contain headwords in {{{langname}}}.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["index templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to organize {{{langname}}} indexes.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["inflection-table templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show inflection tables for {{{langname}}} terms.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

-- Do particular types of inflection-table templates.
for _, pos in ipairs({
}) do
	labels[pos .. " inflection-table templates"] = {
		description = "Templates used to show declension tables for {{{langname}}} " .. pos .. "s.",
		fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
		parents = {"inflection-table templates"},

labels["list templates"] = {
	description = "Templates that contain {{{langname}}} lists.",
	additional = "They use the <code>list:</code> prefix. For example, see [[Template:list:Latin script letters/en]].",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["mutation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show mutation of {{{langname}}} words.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["quotation templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate quotations for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["reference templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to generate reference footnotes for {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["supplementary templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to keep contents for other {{{langname}}} templates.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

labels["usage templates"] = {
	description = "Templates used to show usage notes in {{{langname}}} entries.",
	fundamental = "Templates subcategories by language",
	parents = {"templates"},

return labels